Make a separate bedroom when you are a couple

Make a separate bedroom when you are a couple

The marital bed is a strong symbol of good relations between the couple. Yet more and more people who love each other are choosing to sleep separately. So, making a separate room, should we think about it… or not?

Separate room, a delicate subject

Deciding to sleep separately doesn’t necessarily mean a decline in love. The subject can however be difficult to bring near the partner who will be able to see there the end of the couple and the eroticism. To calmly approach this decision for two involves deconstructing the clichés linked to couples who sleep separately and communicating well.

It is essential to make sure that your partner does not suffer from the situation, even if he does not admit it. The fear of becoming simple roommates, that the moments of tenderness are spaced out, just like the frequency of sexual intercourse, can be legitimate. In addition, sleeping separately also means sharing less time together and in case of frustrations or unspoken, the separate bedroom erects a wall between the partners that tends towards the end of the communication.

Separate room, a strong social symbol

Social pressure is strong concerning the marital bed. Although this is an intimate solution, if you tell your loved ones or friends, it’s a safe bet that they will jump to conclusions about the health of your relationship. Do not pay attention to it: only your well-being and that of your partner matters. You can choose to keep this information to yourself, even if you have no reason to be ashamed of it; it is intimate and does not concern anyone other than you and your partner.

Make time for yourself to find yourself better

At first, we imagine never being able to sleep without the other. Then the years pass, the family gets bigger and the fact of being in the same bed every night no longer stimulates either tenderness or libido.

If you are lucky enough to have enough space, why not set up a second bedroom? Even if your married life is in good shape, it allows you to take a breath, and a moment of relaxation just for yourself. Deciding to sleep separately doesn’t mean the couple takes a step back.

On the contrary, it involves inventing new rituals of tenderness and eroticism. Sex is more chosen and more precious. You agree to a meeting where you surprise the other in his intimate space… So many more difficult situations to set up when you share the same bed.

Avoid petty annoyances at night

You like to go to bed early, he loves to read very late at night. You get up several times a night to go to the bathroom, he tends to snore as soon as he falls asleep. Small nocturnal disputes related to the behavior of one or the other are not uncommon and are often a source of conflict. If these inconveniences are too great, keeping a separate room can be practical. This prevents partners from being irritable and tired due to lack of sleep and from blaming each other for behaviors that there is little they can do about …

Prioritize comfort above all

Who doesn’t like to sleep alone in a large double bed and have a huge duvet for them? This luxury, many couples choose to afford it after many years of living together. During the first years of a love affair, this is seldom a point to which one pays attention, however, privileging its comfort is essential.

Then again, it can even relax your relationship as neither of them will feel like they are sacrificing their comfort for the benefit of the couple. In addition, when you are rested after a long night’s sleep, you are better able to step back and defuse any tensions that may appear.

Couple: stay separate in the event of a conflict

If the couple is struggling, keeping a separate room during a crisis can be beneficial. In this way, everyone has time to calm down, to find a clear mind and to think positively about the situation. In addition, by sleeping alone, you escape the tension and irritation caused by the conflict situation. In the morning, you are calmer and more ready to discuss the underlying problem between you.

It is up to each couple to define their common living habits. Choosing to stay in a separate room can be saving in the event of conflict and also defuses small weariness and annoyances. Changing your lifestyle also requires reinventing your daily life, which tends to weld and solidify the couple.

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