Symptoms of Pregnancy – Natural Products and Herbal Medicines

Awọn aami aisan ti oyun - Awọn ọja Adayeba ati Awọn oogun Ewebe

Like prescription drugs, herbal products contain chemicals that can affect the health of a woman or baby. The dosage and duration of the intake of these products must therefore be respected, particularly in pregnant women.

(Wo nkan 2004: Awọn obinrin aboyun ati awọn ọja adayeba: a nilo iṣọra, lori Passeport Santé).

Safe natural products

Tii pẹlu rasipibẹri leaves is known to prevent complications during pregnancy and facilitate childbirth. In addition, the herb is said to contain several vitamins and minerals. Until now, studies19 have not been able to demonstrate any real beneficial effect, but it would be safe to consume it during pregnancy.

awọn awọn oxerutins are plant substances from the bioflavonoids family. Two clinical trials in 150 pregnant women indicate that oxerutins can relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids associated with pregnancy6,7. In Europe, there are several pharmaceutical preparations based on oxerutins (especially troxerutin) intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids (tablets, capsules or oral solutions). These products are generally not sold in North America.

To be used in limited quantities

Atalẹ. According to the authors of a meta-analysis published in 20108, covering more than 1000 subjects,ginger may be helpful in relieving nausea during pregnancy in pregnant women. Several organizations, such as theAssociation of American Family Physicians,American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Commission E and WHO consider ginger to be an effective non-drug treatment for nausea of ​​pregnancy9, 10. It is generally recommended to stick to the equivalent of 2 g of dried ginger or 10 g of fresh ginger per day, in divided doses.

Mint. Like tea, mint tea would decrease the absorption of Iron ninu ara1. As pregnant or breastfeeding women have higher iron requirements, mint tea should preferably be consumed at least one hour before or after a meal and in moderation. Mint should not be consumed in the first trimester of pregnancy, unless it is medically indicated.2.

biotilejepe awọn ata ata is often recommended to pregnant women to counter the nausea of ​​pregnancy, the safety of mint essential oil has not been well established in this regard3.

Le Green tii, consumed in large amounts, may reduce the absorption of folate (folic acid) in the body18. Pregnant women are advised to consume it in moderation to minimize the risk of fetal malformations.

Avoid, since their safety has not been established

Chamomile. Chamomile is traditionally renowned for its effectiveness in triggering menstruation, pregnant women are advised to avoid it.

echinacea. Studies show that the consumption of echinacea is not linked to complications during pregnancy and birth4. On the other hand, some authors recommend avoiding echinacea in pregnancy, due to the lack of complete toxicological data. Some tests conducted on pregnant mice indicate a risk to the fetus during the first trimester5.

Many other herbal remedies, such as evening primrose oil, ginkgo, and St. John’s wort, have not been well studied to recommend them during pregnancy.

Avoid, which can be harmful to the health of pregnant women

Aloe. Although aloe latex is known to be effective and safe for treating occasional constipation, it is a stimulating laxative and therefore not recommended for pregnant women.

THEradiated eucalyptus essential oil (E. radiata) is not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy.

Iwe-aṣẹ. Too much glycyrrhizin (the active compound responsible for the benefits of licorice) during pregnancy could lead to premature labor16,17.

The use of St. Kitts grass (faux-pigamon caulophyll or blue cohosh) to stimulate labor can be dangerous.

According to the Canadian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, several other herbal remedies should not be consumed during pregnancy because they pose a certain level of risk to the health of the fetus or woman. For example, burdock, ginseng, chaste tree, valerian and many others, are to be avoided. Check the labels before consuming an over-the-counter natural product and make sure the product has a DIN (Drug Identification Number). If necessary, consult the pharmacist.

The vast majority of pregnancies are happy events, go very well, and are for the most part free from complications.

However, I would like to highlight some alarm symptoms that were mentioned in our fact sheet. If you have blood loss from the vagina, severe or persistent headache, sudden or very severe swelling of your face or hands, severe abdominal pain, blurred vision or fever and chills, do not Do not hesitate to see your doctor very soon as these symptoms can be a sign of a serious complication.

Dokita Jacques Allard MD FCMFC


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