Cicada (bladebait) alayipo lure: ipeja ilana

Cicada (bladebait) alayipo lure: ipeja ilana

This type of bait, despite the wide variety of spinners, wobblers, silicones, etc., takes its own place. O cicadas little recall due to lack of information. Since this species has appeared quite recently, many spinningists are alarmed by their dubious effectiveness.

Cicadas are also called “bladebaits” or just “Vibration lures”. Our spinners like the name “cicada” more because of the first DAM bait, called “Cicada”.

The cicada consists of a flat metal plate, which has a straight or concave shape. Several holes are drilled in the upper part of the plate, and the load of the bait is located in the lower part. At first glance, this is a very primitive bait, but in fact it is not so easy to make it so that it works well. Among this type of bait, you can find both high-quality and not very high-quality ones, which is due to the different approaches of manufacturers.

A well-made bait stands well in a weak current, and an unsuccessful copy will fall on its side or go into a tailspin. But even in the case when the cicada keeps well on the current, it may not catch fish due to the fact that the noises made by this bait are simply not interesting for the fish or even scare it away.

Cicada (bladebait) alayipo lure: ipeja ilana

The fact is that the cicada is a bait that, when moving in the water column, emits certain sound vibrations that should lure the fish. Regardless of whether the cicada is small or large, the principle of operation is the same. But this bait has its own advantages related to the fact that the frequency range can be adjusted, although not to a large extent.

Although doing this in practice is not so simple, since the fish can only pay attention to a certain combination of sounds. You can find a combination by changing the attachment point, you can achieve greater catchability, since very often the fish behaves very passively and it is difficult to interest them in anything.

Despite this, there are certain recommendations regarding the attachment of the cicada to the main line. The bait is attached depending on the fishing conditions. A very important role is played by the presence of current and the depth of the reservoir. With shallow fishing depths, you need to change the center of gravity closer to the top of the bait. If the cicada is used for sheer lustre, then it is attached to the back hole. When used on the course, it is better to mount it on the front. This is probably the only bait that has such a “wide field” for experiments.

To start using the cicada correctly, you need to study it. The main thing is to find out how it behaves at various attachment points and on various water bodies with and without current.

cicada and fish

Cicada (bladebait) alayipo lure: ipeja ilana

The cicada was intended for catching fish such as trout (small lures) and bass (large models).

In our conditions, perch loves this bait more, but zander and pike, although they are sometimes caught, are most likely by accident. White predators, such as chub and asp, are quite regularly interested in cicadas. If we take rattlin wobblers and compare them with cicadas, then the latter are in no way inferior in catchability. In addition, smaller models of cicadas are of interest to such fish as sabrefish.

After analyzing the above, we can safely say that the cicada can take its rightful place in the arsenal of a spinner, in the form of a universal and very effective bait.

Tactics and techniques of fishing for cicadas

Cicada (bladebait) alayipo lure: ipeja ilana

Cicada is no exception and its use requires certain conditions. For its normal operation, depth and space are required, without all kinds of thickets, snags and blockages of trees. There is nothing to do with this bait on small reservoirs.

The cicada has a number of advantages and advantages over other species. This is a compact lure that is small in size but heavy enough to cast long distances. It can be compared with such a lure as Castmaster because it has the same excellent flight characteristics.

The only thing is that it cannot hang in the water column during pauses, compared to jig ones, because of its design.

The cicada is a lure that has no equal in the current. Its weight allows you to cast it much further than the same jig bait. In addition, it perfectly holds the jet, which cannot be said about other types of baits.

One of the effective postings of the cicada is the demolition posting. In this case, her behavior is similar to the behavior of a rattlin, but goes at great depths. It can also be used for catching small rifts, but it should be slow, uniform wiring.

Passing close to the bottom, the cicada can touch stones or irregularities lying on the bottom. At this moment, the cicada loses its rhythm, which can further provoke the predator to bite. There are models of cicadas that have doubles, with stingers pointing upwards, which reduces the number of hooks.

As mentioned above, perch bite well on this bait if you use uniform or wavy wiring with different rates of rotation of the coil. The fact is that the perch prefers not large and compact baits, therefore, for perch, it has no equal. Bites can occur both at the moments of deceleration and at the moments of acceleration. This is due to the fact that at different speeds of movement, the cicada emits vibrations of different frequencies. And if this is a wave-like wiring, then it is more attractive for fish, since with a change in the direction of movement, the noise that creates the cicada changes.

SPINNING FISHING IN AUTUMN / Pike and perch fishing on CICADUS

Cicada is probably the only bait that is easy enough to make at home. It does not need to be bent, as, for example, a oscillator. And if we talk about a spinner, then it is generally difficult to make it without the appropriate skills. The same applies to other types of baits, such as wobblers or silicones. Despite this, amateur anglers not only copy all complex models, but also copy them very successfully, or even better. The fact is that branded copies are expensive, and cheap copies are low-catching, which is why spinning players have to make them at home.

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