Cystolepiota seminuda (Cystolepiota seminuda)

Cystolepiota seminuda (Cystolepiota seminuda) Fọto ati apejuwe


Hat 1,5-2 (3) cm in diameter, first rounded-conical, closed from below with a dense granular coverlet, then wide-conical or convex with a tubercle, later prostrate, tuberculate, with a delicate coarse-flaky, powdery coating, often with a flaky border hanging along the edge, glabrous with age, white with a pinkish, fawn apex.

The plates are frequent, narrow, thin, free, yellowish, cream.

Spore lulú funfun

Leg 3-4 cm long and 0,1-0,2 cm in diameter, cylindrical, thin, with a granular delicate coating, hollow, yellowish-pinkish, pinkish, pale yellow, powdered with white grains, often glabrous with age, more red at the base.

The flesh is thin, brittle, white, pinkish in the stalk, without a special smell or with an unpleasant smell of raw potatoes.


Lives from mid-July to mid-September in deciduous and mixed forests on the soil, among twig or coniferous litter, in groups, rare

Ijọra naa:

Similar to Lepiota clypeolaria, from which it differs in pinkish tones and the absence of scales on the cap


A ko mọ idijẹ.

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