Nose bleeds – what are the causes of nose bleeds?
Nose bleeds - what are the causes of nose bleeds?epistaxis

Nose bleeding is a common ailment that can be caused by various diseases, injuries, and infections. It also often indicates fatigue, exposure to stress, nasal injuries or accidental infections. If nosebleeds are rare, then there is little to worry about. However, if the ailment constantly accompanies us, then it is necessary to consult a doctor – in order to examine the proper causes. Nose bleed – what to do about it?

Nose bleeds – why is this happening?

epistaxis it happens quite often and is usually not accompanied by anxiety about the risk of a serious condition. And most of the time it’s not wrong thinking. Appearing imu imu it usually happens to children or the elderly, which may indicate a weakened body or its insufficient condition. The nose is a very important organ in the human body – it enables the efficient functioning of the respiratory system, which is essential for life. It is made of muscle, cartilage and skin parts, divided into two nasal cavities, which inside have a mucous membrane that performs additional functions. The air entering the nose is cleaned thanks to the cilia and saliva.

Nose bleed – what could be the cause?

Imu bii due to the fact that they occur quite often, the reasons for their occurrence can also be different. Very often, such a cause is hypertension, for which fever imu imu it is an accompanying symptom. It happens that the ailment appears as a result of fatigue of the body or excessive sun exposure or overheating of the body. However, it happens that there are much more serious problems or diseases behind it. Sometimes the cause imu ẹjẹ is the curvature of the nasal septum, trauma to the nasal area, vascularity of the nose, or cancer, inflammation of the mucous membrane, foreign bodies. Imu bii are classified into external and local. In the group of the former there will be external injuries of the nose, head, as well as various factors associated with a change in atmospheric pressure – airplane flight or diving. In turn, the second group of local causes will include dry runny nose, mucosal shrinkage caused by excessive consumption of preparations during infection, dryness of inhaled air, bacterial or viral rhinitis, nasal polyps, fibrosis of the mucous membrane, granulomas of the nasal septum. However, it happens that epistaxis appears as a symptom indicating some general cause, associated with a more serious disease – e.g. vascular and cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, infectious diseases (smallpox, measles), pregnancy, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases caused by changes in blood pressure, disorders blood clotting, avitaminosis, taking blood thinners, bleeding disorders.

Nose bleeding – how to recognize more serious causes and react properly?

Direct response to imu imu should be an attempt to stop the bleeding by tilting the bleeding head forward, applying a compress to the bleeding site and pressing the wings of the nose to the septum. If the bleeding is prolonged, it is necessary to consult an ENT doctor or a vascular surgeon. Patients suffering from prolonged and profuse bleeding and frequent haemorrhages require hospitalization, which may ultimately lead to anaemia.

Can nosebleeds be prevented?

Nose bleeds in children it is often caused by nose picking, which should be effectively weaned from our smallest companions. It is also important to moisten the nasal passages, which is helped by various air humidifiers. Remember to control the intake of decongestants so as not to overuse them. In addition, people struggling with hypertension should constantly take measurements, because they are exposed to much more frequent imu ẹjẹ.

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