Our doctor’s opinion on intestinal polyps

Our doctor’s opinion on intestinal polyps

Gẹgẹbi apakan ti ọna didara rẹ, Passeportsanté.net n pe ọ lati ṣe iwari imọran ti alamọdaju ilera kan. Dokita Catherine Solano fun ọ ni ero rẹ lori polyps oporoku :

Intestinal polyps are very common in awọn orilẹ -ede ti iṣelọpọ. Adenomatous type polyps are precursors of colon cancer, the 3rd most common cancer. It is therefore important to carry out regular screening from the age of 50 to be able to remove the polyps present. If there is a family history or special symptoms (bleeding, abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits), a colonoscopy should be part of the prevention strategy.

Dr Catherine Solano


Our doctor’s opinion on intestinal polyps: understand everything in 2 min

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