Properties and benefits of pyrite – Happiness and health

Do you know about pyrite? This beautiful mineral with metallic reflections is also called “fool’s gold” or “stone of fire”. For my part, I use it especially to strengthen my intellectual capacities and to concentrate more on my tasks.

Pyrite also helps me reconnect with the Earth, but has many other positive effects on both my physique and my mind.

Its golden color gives it a very nice appearance which makes it easy to wear it on oneself or to display it as a decorative object. Let me detail the benefits and properties of pyrite...

What is pyrite

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The name of pyrite comes from the Greek “pyr” which means “fire”. Indeed, it produces sparks when struck against steel. This stone is composed of crystals of dodecahedral shape (with twelve faces) which are called pyritohedra.

Metallic in color, its shade can vary from yellow to golden brown. Its hardness ranges from 6 to 6,5 on the Mohs scale and its crystal system is said to be cubic. It becomes magnetic when exposed to high temperature and it dissolves under the action of nitric acid.

His origin

Pyrite is found in meteorites and in many deposits on Earth: France, Spain, Peru, Italy, Slovakia, Mexico, the Netherlands…

Nowadays, it is widely used in industry to produce sulfur, sulfuric acid or to manufacture radio sets.

It is associated with the astrological signs Aries, Libra and Leo and with the planets of the Sun and Mars.

The history of pyrite

Properties and benefits of pyrite – Happiness and health

We find traces of pyrite as early as prehistoric times, where men used it to produce sparks. In Ancient Egypt, it acquires a particular importance and one makes mirrors with it.

These pyrite mirrors are not intended to look at yourself but to reflect your soul and to evacuate the negative waves of your person.

There were, however, strict rules to be observed regarding the time of day and the positioning of the planets, which determined when one could use these sacred objects.

Subsequently, the American Indians also made mirrors with this stone.

In Ancient Greece, the real “discovery” of pyrite is attributed to Dioscorides in 50 AD. It is there that the stone acquires its nickname of “stone of fire”. It is mainly used to design jewelry, such as necklaces or bracelets.

In 1845, Wilhelm Karl Ritter von Haidinger gave pyrite its final name. This stone suddenly became popular during the Gold Rush from 1896 to 1899.

Indeed, many miners dig the earth for nothing, thinking to have seen veins of gold when it was only a deposit of pyrite! The mineral is then ironically called “fool’s gold”.

It was in the 18th century that pyrite began to be used to produce sulfur: it then represented 1985% of world production in XNUMX. This proportion has since dropped by half.

What are the properties of pyrite

The physical benefits of pyrite

Pyrite has many positive effects on the human organism. Here are the main ones …

An ally of the respiratory system

Pyrite is very useful in case of illness such as flu, pneumonia or bronchitis. It soothes the entire respiratory system, from the bronchi to the lungs, and relieves asthma sufferers as well as those suffering from sore throats.

To do this, it must be placed on the heart chakra to see beneficial effects.

To fight against fatigue

An energizing stone par excellence, pyrite restores vitality and good humor. It is useful in case of severe fatigue or loss of energy that dragged on over the long term. Pyrite will give you the courage to overcome your low morale and revive your projects.

Containing iron, it is also effective in cases of anemia. Finally, it fights fever and relieves headaches often associated with physical and mental fatigue.

Against gastric problems

Pyrite is beneficial to all organs related to digestion: stomach, intestines, pancreas … It helps the body to fight against gastritis, indigestion, constipation and diarrhea.

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Pyrite is also useful for many other health problems that are commonly encountered. It reduces the effects of stuttering and helps to quit smoking by stopping nicotine addiction.

This stone also has a very good influence on blood circulation and soothes the symptoms of diabetics. We can also cite its action to eliminate boils and abscesses, these unsightly skin conditions.

The psychological benefits of pyrite

To stimulate your intellectual properties

Pyrite is your ally if you want to refocus on your professional life and make it your priority. It will help you increase your thinking skills and tackle a bigger workload in less time.

This is perfect if you have important exams to pass or if you are hoping for a promotion in your business for example. This stone improves your concentration skillsProperties and benefits of pyrite – Happiness and health : no longer a question of dispersing at the slightest distraction and of procrastinating continuously.

Plus, pyrite helps you focus on your memory. When you touch him, you will find that you remember things better if you tend to be a little upbeat.

It will also be easier for you to recall life skills or distant memories that you thought you had forgotten.

Finally, pyrite gives the sense of organization. It is useful both in your professional life to distribute and prioritize what you have to do and in your personal life to manage the balance between work, family life, leisure and household tasks.

To de-stress

Pyrite is the perfect stone for those who practice meditation, but not only. It is a powerful anti-stress that helps to evacuate his anxieties, to calm down and to better enjoy the present moment.

Pyrite soothes the breathing and the heartbeat and pushes to take a step back from the small everyday annoyances to achieve serenity.

It is ideal for helping adolescents get through the difficult period of puberty, for example, but also for anyone undergoing significant stress such as a move, a break-up or a change of work.

Pyrite reconnects to Earth by circulating energies between the human body and the ground. This stone gives the feeling of being deeply anchored, rooted even, in the benevolent Earth. It is a shield against bad negative waves.

To be fulfilled in his life

The “stone of fire” has this tremendous ability to help you realize yourself spiritually. It releases your emotional blockages and will carry you to make your dream projects a reality.

Rather than putting on the brakes, pyrite will motivate you to exploit your full potential to act as you see fit and even do what seemed impossible to you until then.

More creativity, inventiveness, self-confidence: the perfect cocktail to flourish and achieve in all areas of life.

How to recharge your pyrite?

Properties and benefits of pyrite – Happiness and health

It is essential to regularly recharge your stone so that it retains all of its properties. Without it, it risks gradually losing its power day after day and you will regret its lack of efficiency.

The smaller your stone, the more often it needs to be recharged.

To do this, leave it under the running tap or, better, immerse it in a container filled with salted distilled water. You can also put your pyrite on an amethyst geode or on a cluster of quartz to recharge it.

Do not forget to expose it from time to time to the sun in order to regenerate it as much as possible. The ideal time for this is between 11 a.m. and 13 p.m. in order to make it take the hottest rays of the solar star.

It is good to do this at least once a month in order to have a stone that is as shiny as it is effective.

Which stones to combine with pyrite?

It is possible to combine pyrite with other stones in order to enhance certain effects on the physical or mental. Turquoise, sapphire, tiger’s eye and bull’s eye have rather similar virtues and can be used for reinforcement.

Properties and benefits of pyrite – Happiness and health

Wearing these stones in combination will help you take full advantage of the pyrite benefits which will be amplified.

Be careful, however, not to combine pyrite with garnet, bull’s eye, hematite and obsidian. It will harm what you are looking for and may even negate the effects of your stone.

Indeed, their mutual properties are not compatible with each other and cancel each other out.

How to use pyrite?

There are several ways to use pyrite depending on the properties you are looking for first.

To boost your energy level

If you’re low on energy and want to be energized, you can lie down and hold a pyrite in each hand to let their invigorating power overwhelm you.

You can also place the stone on your solar plexus so that it acts on your whole organism.

To stimulate you intellectually

If you need help helping you focus or be more creative, keep a pyrite on your desk at all times.

She will assist you in your professional and / or artistic tasks and will make you want to focus on what you are doing without getting lost all the time.

To cure your physical ailments

If you want to act on your respiratory or digestive problems, it is rather recommended to consume a pyrite elixir regularly. To make your elixir, place your stone in a sterilized container filled with 30 deciliters of distilled water.

Protect the opening with plastic wrap and place it outside in direct sunlight. You will have to wait about 24 hours to be sure that the pyrite is well infused.

The ideal is to make your preparation the day before the full moon to take advantage of the powerful power of the lunar star.

Ni ipari

Pyrite is an incredible stone to stimulate one’s intellectual faculties, to calm down and flourish in everyday life.

Do not hesitate to use this very beautiful metallic stone to remedy your physical ailments: respiratory or gastric problems, headaches, fatigue, stammering …

If pyrite was appreciated by the Egyptians as well as by the Greeks during Antiquity, it is thanks to its very strong spiritual aura. Nowadays, it is possible to make an elixir or to keep it close to you to feel all its benefits.

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