Awọn olu oloro julọ

Inocybe erubescens – Patouillard fiber – fifth place

This mushroom is located in fifth place in this top, it belongs to the cobweb family. It is deadly to humans, as it causes very severe muscarinic poisoning. It is about 20-25 times more dangerous than the red fly agaric. There were cases of poisoning due to the fact that mushroom pickers confused it with champignons. The habitat of this species is coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests, where the soil is either calcareous or clayey.

Cortinarius rubellus – the most beautiful cobweb – fourth place

The most beautiful cobweb is in fourth place. This species, like the previous one, belongs to the cobweb family. It is very poisonous and deadly, as it contains slow-acting toxins that lead to inevitable kidney failure. The most serious trouble is that all varieties of this fungus are similar in appearance, and it is almost impossible to distinguish species by eye. It lives in coniferous forests and along the edges of swamps, loves moisture.

Galerina marginata – Bordered Galerina – third place

One of the extremely dangerous mushrooms belonging to the strophariaceae family. This species contains the so-called amatoxins. It is these toxins that in 90% of cases are fatal when a person is poisoned. The species of these mushrooms is most common in the northern hemisphere. At first glance, this is an ordinary small brown mushroom, and an inexperienced mushroom picker can easily confuse it with different types of edible mushrooms.

Amanita phalloides – green fly agaric – second place

Gbajumo ti a mo si fila iku. A mushroom belonging to the genus of fly agaric, it can be safely included in the top of the most dangerous mushrooms on earth. Its main danger lies in the fact that its appearance can resemble russula, even experienced mushroom pickers often confuse them. Most cases of poisoning by such mushrooms end in death. It grows, as a rule, in light deciduous forests, prefers fertile soil, is common in Europe and Asia.

Amanita pantherina – panther fly agaric – “honorary” first place

This species can definitely be called the most poisonous mushroom. In addition to the traditional for this type of muscarine and muscaridine, it also contains hyocyamine. This combination of toxins can safely be called unusual and extremely deadly. When poisoned by this species, the chances of survival are minimized. The mushroom is not at all difficult to confuse with some edible ones, for example, with a gray-pink fly agaric. The geographical position of the species is the Northern Hemisphere.

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