Awọn ọna ibaramu si idinku libido

Awọn ọna ibaramu si idinku libido


DHEA (déhydroépiandrostérone)

DHEA (déhydroépiandrostérone). This steroid hormone is secreted by the adrenal gland. Several studies1-5 have shown that DHEA supplements may have beneficial effects in people with loss of libido associated with pre-menopause, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, or adrenal gland failure. Other clinical trials6,7 however, concluded that there is a lack of convincing evidence on the use of DHEA to treat sexual dysfunction and loss of libido. The effects of DHEA on the functioning of the organism are still poorly understood and its use does not achieve consensus in the whole of the scientific world.

In Canada, DHEA is considered an anabolic hormone and its sale is prohibited, except on prescription as a magistral preparation (developed by a pharmacist on site).

In France, DHEA is not available over the counter, since the health authorities are continuing its assessment. Its sale is authorized in the form of a master’s prescription and under medical supervision. The National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) states that it could stimulate hormone-dependent cancers and increase cardiovascular risk.

The consumption of DHEA by athletes is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Code. DHEA is widely available on the internet, but caution should be taken with its use and the quality of products on the market.

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