Awọn abajade ti jijẹ awọn olu hallucinogeniki

Awọn abajade ti jijẹ awọn olu hallucinogenikihallucinogenic mushrooms are pronounced neurotoxic poisoncausing severe hallucinations. When using narcotic substances of this group, develop psychoneurosis, schizophrenia is provoked, psychopathic personality traits are exacerbated, genetic disorders, etc. Systematic use can lead to drug addiction, and in some cases, death. Stable psychological dependence. Drug use has never been the norm.

Not knowing really why to use mushrooms, not understanding their action, not being prepared for this, taking mushrooms is dangerous even physically. Under the influence of mushrooms, the body is more controlled by the subconscious. Hidden fears, psychological complexes, suppressed in the normal state by consciousness, splash out. There are attacks of fear, self-doubt, fear of the world around. Self-hypnosis (often unconscious) is very strongly manifested. In the first minutes of a person, everything is really very pleasing, but it is worth a little doubt about the harmlessness of the effects of mushrooms, as you begin to be afraid of everyone and everything. It is dangerous in this case to be in public places! The subway is just hell for a person in this condition.

“Wise Indians”, live only in movies, books, and also occasionally (very) in our sinful land. The wisdom of the people is most often not the wisdom of each of its representatives. This wisdom – a phenomenon, a process – is akin to the elements and, by its nature, consists of traditions, knowledge, religions, accumulated over the centuries.

As for the fly agaric, I can say the following: yes, different fly agarics with different preparations really give a striking effect, although it is also different. White (they are also pale toadstools) or brindle ones lead to death (no matter how you cook them), and red, classic ones, are the least dangerous. Amanitas (again red) when consumed (even raw!) Give an effect similar to vodka. In any case, there are more negative factors, not to mention the risk.

If you still want to get away from reality into the world of hallucinations? Then your path lies in the Netherlands, Germany or Spain, where you can freely and legally purchase hallucinogenic mushrooms on store shelves (Slimlanceata Psilocybe). However, you should hurry, as the governments of European countries, one after another, pass laws prohibiting the sale of cheap hallucinogenic products.

The hallucinogenic effect of mushrooms is associated with the psilocybin and psilocin contained in them. The content of these substances is 0,1-0,6% by weight of the dried mushroom and varies depending on the type of mushroom.

Psilocybin (and its closest relative psilocin), as well as the synthetic drug LSD, belong to the group of hallucinogens. The narcotic components of mushrooms disrupt the metabolism of the neurotransmitter serotonin and disable the serotonergic systems of the brain responsible for information processing, mood regulation and critical perception of the environment.

The action of psilocybin at the use of an average dose (6-10 mg) occurs after about 20 minutes. Most often at the first stage, illusions arise. The perception of the surrounding world becomes unnaturally sharpened: the sounds seem more harmonious, and the colors more vivid. The perception of time and space is distorted. Man is able to control illusions.

The effect builds up over 3 hours. Multiple auditory and visual hallucinations appear, the image becomes reticulated. Feelings of a person under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms can range from euphoria to a feeling of melancholy, horror, meaninglessness of life. In the next 3-4 hours, the action of the mushrooms gradually weakens, and the person returns to a relatively normal state of consciousness.

The behavior of people in a state of “mushroom” intoxication is unpredictable. The most dangerous attacks of uncontrolled aggression leading to suicide and murder.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms do not cause physical dependence, however, mental dependence is formed. When taking psilocybin more than once every 7-10 days, an increase in tolerance quickly occurs – to obtain a similar effect, a dose of about 1,5-2 times the initial dose is required.

With repeated use of psilocybin or psilocin, the serotonergic brain systems gradually degrade, which can lead to the formation of a disease state resembling schizophrenia. The condition is characterized by inability to think logically, loss of energy and interest in life, depression with occasional hallucinations without any drug use. “Mushroom” drug addicts are characterized by fruitless sophistication on the most general topics of philosophy, worldview and religion, which is called “philosophical intoxication” in medical jargon.

In Our Country, the danger of mushrooms, which are a cheap substitute for the potent synthetic drug LSD, was recognized relatively long ago. Collection, transportation, storage and processing of mushrooms (any part of the fruiting body) containing psilocybin and/or psilocin is a criminal offense. For illegal cultivation on a large scale (from 20 fruiting bodies), Article 231 of the Criminal Code of the Federation provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a period of 3 to 8 years.

Attention! Deliberate collection and consumption of hallucinogenic mushrooms is prohibited by the legislation of the Federation and other countries.

In connection with the appeal of the Federal Drug Control Service of 02.03.2015/27/2006, all comments have been removed from this page. Based on the Federal Law of July 149, XNUMX No. XNUMX.

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