Bii o ṣe le ṣe idagbasoke tigerness ninu ara rẹ: awọn imọran 3

A strong, graceful, cunning beast that assesses the situation with lightning speed. How often we — both men and women — lack these tiger qualities that the striped have inherited from nature. But maybe they can be developed in yourself?

The symbol of 2022, according to the Chinese calendar, is the tiger. And we decided to recall the qualities inherent in a striped predator — they can also be useful to us, the inhabitants of the stone jungle.

Although humanity has created its own habitat, we have a lot to learn from the wild. After all, sometimes even office negotiations look like a fight between untamed animals, and the instinct of protection that wakes up in a predator, if something threatens her cub, we also have. What is a tiger like in its natural environment?

Let’s go hunting

“The tiger, unlike you and me, is stable and constant,” says WWF Chief Coordinator for the Conservation of Rare Species Pavel Fomenko. “If meat, then meat, and no glances towards the grass.”

The tiger is a born hunter, he knows how to perfectly disguise himself, looking out for a target, as well as patiently and persistently pursue it: he is looking for large prey that does not come across at every turn.

Hunting is also a part of our life, and the success algorithms are similar in both cases. 

“If we need to get a good place under the sun, for example, at work, we first wait and observe,” notes psychologist Eduard Mavlyutov, “then we use the ability to grab and not miss our prey (in our case, a chance) and develop high speed to enter in the right rhythm and get what you want.

A hunter in nature cannot afford uncertainty. “When a tiger goes hunting, he does not think whether he will succeed or not, he just goes,” continues the psychologist. “We doubt ourselves so often that it prevents us from moving towards our goal. Behind our self-doubt lies a whole heap of fears: the fear of success, subsequent depreciation, the syndrome of a small person.

Sometimes we doubt even the place we occupy — not only physically, but also mentally: we feel superfluous or unnecessary — this is how the impostor syndrome manifests itself, which tigers do not even have in sight. They never consider themselves superfluous in the territory they occupy.

Let’s add smoothness

Tigers are very beautiful, they have thick and bright fur, and, unlike most cats, they love water. They bathe in the river and even in the sea, and also wallow in the snow. Human cleanliness, both literally and figuratively, is a manifestation of self-love and respect for others. “An untidy interlocutor, most likely, has no order in his head,” notes Eduard Mavlyutov.

Tigers are very strong, but this strength is not striking — we notice their grace, smoothness of movements.

If we want to work on our body, we can do aerobics or gymnastics. In addition, tigers are able to quickly assess the situation, learn from their mistakes and develop new habits.

“Psychological flexibility can also be developed,” adds the psychologist, “to learn to catch the rhythm of life, as well as develop the ability to listen and hear. Many of those who succeed find themselves in managerial positions, because they do not participate in intrigues, but stay away from them. And, like tigers, they make their way to their goal, catching alarm signals in time.

Such leaders are able to think over a strategy, a plan, just take a break from the hustle and bustle and come to a resourceful state, thereby restoring their strength.”

Let’s move to the city of cougars

“Catwoman”, “the girl went hunting” — there are many similar phrases in our speech. Tiger habits can be useful in personal life.

“A tigress is not afraid of loneliness, she appreciates solitude, and this quality would be perfect for a girl without relationships, a mother who raises a child on her own, and also one who builds her own business,” says sexologist Svetlana Lebedeva. “Self-sufficiency allows you to feel free and not depend on men.”

But self-sufficiency does not mean the absence of desires. In nature, if the rutting period has come, the female is actively looking for the male. A tigress «marries» several times during her life.

“She doesn’t blame herself or the tiger when their relationship ends,” the sexologist continues. — Knows how to let go and not become attached beyond measure, but again goes in search of the best male for himself and for his future cubs. Excellent quality if you are not yet able to create a couple for life.

Like tigresses, many of us carefully guard our territory, realizing the limits of our own possessions and entering into a fight with anyone who dares to encroach on them. This quality helps us to defend personal boundaries in various situations, for example, in cases of harassment or requests from a manager to work overtime without additional pay.

In modern conditions, each of the tiger’s qualities — curiosity, intelligence, observation, flexibility, quick assessment of the situation — are only in the hands of women.

“They help to easily navigate in almost any area of ​​life, be it professional activity, study, personal life or creative self-realization,” notes Svetlana Lebedeva. “The owner of these qualities is able to analyze large amounts of information, notice new trends before others and use them to her advantage.”

Probably, each of us can borrow something from these extraordinary animals. Are you ready to try on the role of a big wild cat?

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