Bawo ni lati gbero ni agbaye nibiti ko si nkan ti a le gbero?

We figure out how to return the earth that has floated away from under our feet, find support and take control of what is happening.

The term «planning horizon» came into our life from marketing — there it means the period for which the company is building a development plan. It could be a year, five years or more. Or maybe a month. Previously, this scheme was easily transferred to human life — we planned for a year, for three, five, and even 15. In 2022, everything has changed.

Today, the world is changing beyond recognition on a daily basis, and the planning horizon has been reduced to one day or even several hours. But he is. This is important to remember: a person has a planning horizon, no matter how tiny it may be. In the end, the horizon is always there — look out the window. And on this horizon there are dreams and plans for each of us. Yes, others are new. But they are there, even if they are not visible now. How to find them?

Check your pyramid

We have all heard of Maslow’s pyramid. According to her, our needs are located one above the other. And if the basic ones are not satisfied, then you should not even think about those that are closer to the top. Base first. And what’s in there?

  • It is based on physiological needs: sleep, food, warmth.

  • Above is security.

  • Even higher is the need for socialization, communication with friends and relatives, the opportunity to feel part of the group. 

  • The next step is the desire to achieve success and respect.

  • And at the very top is the need for self-actualization, in other words, self-knowledge. 

Remember where you were when the world changed? Have you built a career or a family, discovered new facets of your personality, planned to launch a business? I bet you were at one of the top levels of Maslow’s pyramid, and your needs for food and security were definitely covered.

Well, now many of us have descended to the lower levels. And this means that planning life in the old way, relying on your past goals, will no longer work. The plan will fall apart before our eyes, because it does not cover basic needs.

Take an honest look at which rung of the pyramid you are on right now. From here the path up begins.

Define control zones

Let’s remember the Stoic philosophers — the very ones who met any vicissitudes of fate with a straight face. The Stoics talked about the dichotomy of our control. In other words, about its duality. 

There are things we can control and things we can’t. And wisdom is not in knowing this (we already know this), but in boldly going towards what is in our power and moving away from what is impossible to control.

Act according to Stanislavsky

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky (yes, the one who changed theatrical art) had an exercise called «Three Circles». It allowed the actors to control their attention.

The first circle of attention is limited to our body, the second — to the room or space around. The third circle covers everything we see. 

The highest skill of an actor is to switch his attention between circles and control what is in them.

In coaching, a similar exercise is also used — with its help, clients understand that only what is limited to the first circle is completely in their power: their actions, thoughts and deeds.

  • Ask yourself: what do I want to see around me?

  • What kind of person do I want to be today, tomorrow and in a week?

  • What can I do to make the situation the way I want it? 

You can try to influence what is included in the second circle: space, close people and your relationship with them. And it is absolutely pointless to try to change what is in the third (the weather, the mood of other people, the situation in the world). As they said at school, we look in our notebook.

Plan for yourself

Here’s what might help you.

Ajọ igbewọle

No wonder they say: where there is attention, there is growth. The more we focus on bad news, events, or thoughts, the more of them there are in our lives.

More Predictability

Stress, and with it decadent moods, the inability to plan and generally live, often appear where control disappears. As we have already found out, the feeling of control gives a feeling of security and confidence in the future.

Try to bring predictability into your life wherever possible.:

  • Wake up and go to bed at a certain time

  • eat breakfast from the same plate,

  • just read or just watch a series before bed.

Each of us has dozens of daily rituals — from the leg bent while brushing our teeth to the way to make tea or coffee. If you pay attention to them and increase their number, life will become more understandable, predictable and enjoyable.

Less chaos

During a crisis, it seems that chaos is justified: is it possible to lead an orderly life when what is happening around is happening? It is possible and even necessary. Control over your own actions will return a sense of self-confidence. Yes, you do not know how the stock exchange will behave tomorrow morning. But you know exactly what time you will wake up and what kind of shower gel you will use. 

Long periods of time

  • Divide your activities into long intervals.

  • Whether you work, walk, or play with your kids, give it more time than usual, say half an hour or an hour.

Such a division will help your attention to be distracted from stressful thoughts and situations for a long time and enter the so-called state of flow, when one chosen task absorbs us entirely. 


You should not be brave and think that everything is ok with you, for example: “It’s been a month already, my psyche has adapted, I can return to my usual life.”

Severe stress provokes a cognitive deficit — it becomes more difficult for the brain to process incoming information, and it may take longer for it to do the usual tasks. Everything is normal — this is how our body adapts to stress. This is a fact to be accepted — now it is.

Therefore, if you have some serious and larger business ahead of you, for example, moving, entering a university, or signing a contract, allocate a little more time in your schedule than you usually allocated. Take care of yourself. This is a great plan.

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