Bọọlu eekanna Mormyshka: bii o ṣe le ṣe funrararẹ, awọn ilana ipeja

Bọọlu eekanna Mormyshka: bii o ṣe le ṣe funrararẹ, awọn ilana ipeja

Mormyshka is an artificially created bait that imitates the movement of an insect or its larvae in the water. As a rule, without a mormyshka, fishing in winter is impossible for both amateurs and athletes. This is not counting other types of artificial baits. Any mormyshka or bait is equipped with additional elements to attract fish.

Mormyshka “nail ball”: description

Bọọlu eekanna Mormyshka: bii o ṣe le ṣe funrararẹ, awọn ilana ipeja

The design of the nail ball mormyshka is quite simple, since it consists of a large (relatively) ball of metal, glass or plastic, mounted on a hook. A small body is attached to the ball. In appearance, the mormyshka resembles an ordinary tadpole and is quite attractive for fish.

Advantages of the bait

Bọọlu eekanna Mormyshka: bii o ṣe le ṣe funrararẹ, awọn ilana ipeja

The Nail Ball Mormyshka works great on the first and last ice. “Nailball” is considered a universal bait for fishing, both in shallow water and in depth.

According to some estimates, the fish begins to be interested in the ball, which has an attractive appearance. Some anglers claim that fish are attracted to the sound the lure makes when the ball hits the hook. Some anglers have noticed that the “nail ball” is able to move not only vertically, but also horizontally, which will certainly attract fish.

In this regard, it is not relevant to say or assert what exactly affects the catchability of the mormyshka, since there is no evidence base. As for another category of anglers, they do not fill their brains with the reasons for the remarkable catchability of the “nail ball”, but simply take and enjoy the fishing process itself.

What is caught on a nail ball?

Bọọlu eekanna Mormyshka: bii o ṣe le ṣe funrararẹ, awọn ilana ipeja

Mormyshka is so versatile that you can catch not only perch, but also other peaceful fish. The catch can be not only tangible, but also diverse. Much here depends on the quality of the bait, as well as the experience of its use directly on the pond. After all, the fish does not just rush to the planning bait, it should be interested in certain movements that only an experienced fisherman is capable of.

How to make a do-it-yourself mormyshka nail ball

Kini o nilo fun eyi

Mormyshka “Gvozdesharik” with your own hands!

To make the bait, you will need tungsten balls or glass beads with a diameter of 2,8 to 4 mm, as well as a set of hooks No. 14-18.

Ẹrọ iṣelọpọ

Bọọlu eekanna Mormyshka: bii o ṣe le ṣe funrararẹ, awọn ilana ipeja

The body of the spinner is best made from tungsten wire of the desired diameter. Steel wire will also work, but it has less weight, although the tungsten ball is able to compensate for the weight of the bait, depending on the body material.

The easiest option is to attach the hook to the body, but it is desirable to leave a gap for the movement of the ball. In this regard, the body of the bait should not go beyond the curve of the hook. It is better to paint the finished bait in a dark, green or black shade.

Do-it-yourself mormyshka Gvozdesharik, Gvozdekubik. How to make a mormyshka.

Bait game

Fishing without a bait. Nailball Trick

The frequency of movement of the mormyshka should not exceed 350 movements per minute. When catching a perch, you don’t have to invent any extraordinary movements, since this predator is quite primitive compared to other fish. When catching white fish, you will have to try a little with a set of movements. Usually, the movements do not stop even during the lowering of the jig to the bottom. But do not forget about the organization of pauses, otherwise effective fishing will not work.

When catching roach, it is better to lower the rod vertically and play with the bait in order to obtain longitudinal and transverse movements, which attracts roach more. Bites can be quite neat and inconspicuous, the main thing is not to yawn.

When catching a bream, it is desirable to raise the rod at an angle of 150-160 degrees, and the fluctuations are reduced to 150 per minute.

It is very important to choose the right nod, which would take into account the weight of the mormyshka and other fishing conditions. The best nods are those made from the spring of a mechanical watch.

Awọn ilana ipeja

Bọọlu eekanna Mormyshka: bii o ṣe le ṣe funrararẹ, awọn ilana ipeja

Any fishing begins with the definition of a promising place, that is, a place where there is an active fish. Wells can be fed, it will not hurt, although sometimes this is not required. The fishing process continues with a slow increase in the pace of movements. If the fish comes off the hook, then the biting will stop for a while. When fishing with a “nail ball”, such gatherings happen quite often due to the design features of the mormyshka, since a rather large ball makes effective hooking difficult. Caught fish should be pulled out of the water very quickly. This bait is preferred by perch located in coastal thickets, as well as roach, preferring a silver or golden hue. When fishing in the summer, almost all fish bite on dark lures.

In cases of unsuccessful use of this bait, you should not immediately reject it, but rather analyze your actions. It is possible that the bait game is not believable. In addition, you should experiment with coloring by offering the fish something extraordinary. As a rule, the fish is unpredictable and does not always bite on what is offered to it.

The ball must necessarily correspond to the size of the hook, especially since there must be enough space for it to move. A properly made bait works flawlessly, especially if you add some attractive element.

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