Bii o ṣe le ni owo lori cryptocurrency ni 2022 lati ibere
Mining or investing in staking? Conquer the NFT market, trade on the stock exchange or finance an upstream project? All these are ways to make money on cryptocurrency in 2022. Prepared instructions for those who are merging into this market from scratch

New oil, a virtual Eldorado, the money of the future, which are already very expensive — cryptocurrencies are described with such metaphors and comparisons.

Over the past couple of years, the number of people who have earned the first fortune on digital coins has been multiplying from almost nothing. It is no wonder that beginners also think how to get rich on this. But they don’t know where to start. From mining, investing, trading, creating and selling NFTs, there are a dozen options.

Let’s talk about ways to make money on cryptocurrency in 2022.

What is a crypto currency

Cryptocurrency is digital money, which is based on a program code – it was calculated by a computer. Virtual payment systems with their own currencies, which are also called coins. All operations in this system are protected by a cipher – a cryptographic method.

At the heart of the cipher is the blockchain – a colossal database of identifiers and checksums. A new approach, the essence of which is decentralization and general control. Blockchain can be explained more simply with an example.

Imagine a fantastic picture. If Our Country did not have the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank and other bodies controlling the national currency and finances. This is decentralization. At the same time, the whole country would agree that it keeps a common diary of expenses. Citizen A made a transfer to citizen B – 5000 rubles. He transferred 2500 rubles to citizen V. No one has access to this money, except for the sender and recipient. Also, translations are anonymous. But everyone can watch the cash flows.

Such a database is divided into blocks. In the diary example, this could be a page. And each page is linked to the previous one. A chain is formed – chain (“chain”) – and is translated from English. Blocks have their own numbers (identifiers) and a checksum, which prevents changes from being made so that others do not see. If we return to the example with transfers, then imagine that citizen A made a transfer of 5000 rubles, and then decided to correct it by 4000 rubles. This will be noticed by the recipient citizen B and everyone else.

What is it for? The most popular answer is that money no longer depends on the authority of central banks and financial institutions. Only mathematics that guarantees security.

Most cryptocurrencies are not backed by real currency rates, gold reserves, but get their value only through the trust of their holders, who, in turn, trust the blockchain system.

In Our Country, authorities have a difficult attitude towards cryptocurrencies in 2022. However, now there is a federal law “On digital financial assets, digital currency…”1, which denotes the legal status of coins, mining, smart contracts and ICO (“Initial Token Offering”).

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Popular ways to make money on cryptocurrency

With attachments

IwakuroGeneration of new blocks by computer calculations
Awọ-iwọsan AwọsanmaAn investor rents mining power from another company, which mines a crypt and gives income
TradingTrading on the stock exchange
Holding (hold)If trading is active trading on the stock exchange on exchange rate differences, then hold is bought, waited until the price rose and sold
Selling and buying NFTsNFT – digital certificate of copyright, based on this technology, a large market for auctions of pictures, photos, music has appeared
KrpitolothereiAnalogue of classic lotteries
Creating your own cryptocurrencyLaunch of a coin or token: a new cryptocurrency can be an access key to other services, represent some kind of financial asset
Staking (staking)Storage of crypto coins by analogy with a bank deposit
ibalẹ-iweBorrow cryptocurrency to exchanges or other users at interest
CryptophoneTransfer of your assets to the professional management of the fund, which chooses its own earning strategies and, if successful, returns the investment with interest
ICOFinancing the launch of a new token

No investment

Creation of NFTsSelling photos, paintings, music of your own creation
Teaching others“Guides” (amateur tutorials), webinars, author’s courses and recommendations for beginners – cryptocoaches make money on this

Step-by-step instructions for making money on cryptocurrency for beginners

1. Iwakusa

To produce an already existing cryptocurrency by computing new blocks with the power of a computer. Previously, in the early stages of the appearance of the crypt, the power of a home PC was enough for mining. Over time, getting new blocks becomes more and more difficult.

After all, each is connected with the previous one, and that one is connected with the other, and so on. It takes a lot of equipment to do the calculations. Therefore, now miners create farms – complexes with a large number of video cards (they perform calculations faster than processors).

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: assemble a mining farm or purchase a ready-made one, choose a cryptocurrency for mining, launch a mining application.

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Low risk: mine coins that already have value.
Large entry threshold – mining equipment is expensive, you have to pay for electricity.

2. Awọsanma iwakusa

Passive cryptocurrency mining. As we have already said, the equipment is expensive, and there is a shortage of powerful video cards on the market – miners are buying everything. But after all, someone buys them and mines the crypt! Farms need money for development, payment for electricity. They accept investments. In return, they share the mined coins with you.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: choose a cloud service, conclude a contract with it (as a rule, there are clear tariff plans) and wait for its execution.

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You can pay for mining with crypto or regular (fiat) money, you don’t need to dive into the intricacies of creating farms, collect them, maintain them – other people are busy with this.
There are fraudulent projects on the market, miners can be cunning and not report real numbers, How long cryptocurrency they actually got for your money.

3. Iṣowo Crypto

“Buy low, sell high” are simple rules in a very complex game. The cryptocurrency market is distinguished from classical trading by even greater volatility – price volatility. Is it bad or good? For the layman, bad. And for an investor, it is a real way to get 100% and even 1000% on the difference in rates in a matter of hours.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: register on one of the major crypto exchanges.

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High income, you can trade 24/7.
Big risks, you need to invest in yourself, constantly improving your trading knowledge, being able to read and feel the market.

4. Idaduro

Such investment is also called English HOLD or HODL. Hold means “hold”, and the second word means nothing. This is a typo by one of the crypto investors, which became a meme, but was fixed as an identical concept to hold. The essence of the strategy is simple: buy a cryptocurrency and forget about it for months or years. Then you open your assets and sell those that have grown.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: buy a crypt on the exchange, in a digital exchanger or from another user, put it on your wallet and wait.

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You are relieved of the need to constantly monitor rates, the balance of the crypto wallet remains your, conditionally, passive asset, investment.
Average profitability and average risks: at a distance, a coin can soar by hundreds of percent or not change in price at all.

5. NFT auctions

The abbreviation stands for “non-fungible token”. NFT-works exist in a single copy and therefore are unique. And everyone can see who their owner is and this information cannot be changed. Therefore, NFT-works have received value. Example: A motion designer drew an animation and sold it. Or Twitter founder Jack Dorsey sold his first tweet at auction for $2,9 million. The new owner has become the owner of this post. What did it give him? Nothing but a sense of possession. But after all, collectors buy original paintings by Dali and Malevich, and someone thinks that they can be viewed on the Internet for free.

The mechanics of NFT auctions can be more complex than the classic auction bidding game. Each product can have its own purchase algorithm. For example, selling a painting in parts, and in the end it will be received entirely by the one who has collected more pieces of the mosaic. Although there are classic examples of auctions – whoever paid more, he became the new owner.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: register on one of the NFT platforms.

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There is a lot of excitement in this area now, you can make good money on it.
High Risk: You can invest in something with the expectation that the next buyer will pay more, but a new bidder may never show up.

6. Cryptolottery

Pay $1 and win 1000 BTC — lottery players are lured by such slogans. There are those who really pay the winners, but this market is not transparent.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: buy a ticket for one of the virtual lotteries.

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Tickets are often cheap.
You can fall for scammers, low probability of winning.

7. Create your own cryptocurrency

First of all, you need to decide whether you plan to issue coins or tokens. The token uses the blockchain technology of another coin, it is faster to launch it, since the code is in the public domain. To issue a coin, you need to understand programming, write code.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: study the theory of cryptocurrencies, think over the concept of your own token or coin, a strategy for its promotion and launch on the market.

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There is always the possibility of repeating the success of bitcoin or altcoins (all coins that are not bitcoin) from the top 10 by capitalization.
There is a very low chance that the novelty will take off – to launch a worthwhile project, you need to assemble a large team of not only programmers, but also marketers, a staff of lawyers.


This is the main alternative to mining, crypto mining. The bottom line is that the stakers store the cryptocurrency in the wallet – they block it on the account. Like placing a deposit in a bank. Not all coins are suitable for staking, but only with the PoS algorithm – stands for “proof of stake mechanism”. Among them are coins EOS, BIT, ETH 2.0, Tezos, TRON, Cosmos and others. When the coins are blocked in the holder’s wallet, they help to mine new blocks and make transactions faster for other market participants. For this, the staker receives his reward.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: buy coins, “freeze” them in the wallet with a special deposit smart contract.

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You don’t need to invest in equipment like when mining – just buy coins, put them in a well-protected wallet and wait.
Coins may depreciate due to price volatility.

9. Ibalẹ

To lend money to a crypto-platform or to a private person. Such usury of our time.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: choose a reliable partner, conclude a contract with him.

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The ability to receive passive income at interest higher than bank ones.
You can run into a “scam” scam and lose your investment. Often this happens when landing with new exchanges or private borrowers.

10. Crypto owo

Suitable for those who are aware of the full potential of cryptocurrencies, but do not want or do not have the proper amount of time to engage in trading and other investments. You give money to the fund, it selects liquid assets, buys and sells them, and then shares the profit with you, receiving its percentage. Crypto funds have different investment strategies: moderate in terms of risk or high risk.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: decide on one or more funds, conclude an agreement with them to manage your assets.

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The ability to entrust your assets to competent management and make a profit.
The risk of fraud, there are funds that practice only high-risk investments.

11. ICO

The company releases its coins or tokens on the market and asks investors to sponsor the project. Each company and investor hopes that the novelty will “shoot” and it will be possible to sell it profitably in the short or long term.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: choose a project on one of the sites or exchanges, invest in it.

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To realize the dream of any investor: to “get in” at the low in order to sell soon for a big profit.
A company after an ICO may change the conditions for paying dividends, close, or simply not find liquidity in the market.

12. Create your own NFT artwork

A way to make money for creative or famous people. An NFT object can be made not only a picture, photo or song, but real objects. You just need to create a digital certificate of ownership for them.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: create a crypto wallet, register on the NFT creation platform and put the product up for auction.

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A talented or well-known person (blogger, celebrity) can sell for a high price an item with an NFT-certificate, which in fact does not even have a small part of the value paid for it.
The buyer may never show up.

13. Idanileko

If you know how to explain complex things in simple terms, if you have a certain level of knowledge, charisma, and know how to win people over, then you can make good money on training.

Bi o ṣe le bẹrẹ: create your own guide or lecture series, start advertising it and sell access to your knowledge.

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Thanks to the power of social networks, you can get promoted without financial investments, gather an audience and start earning by talking about cryptocurrencies.
If you don’t know how to make high-quality, useful and interesting content and build an audience, then you won’t sell anything.

Awọn imọran imọran

A beere Evgenia Udilova – trader and expert in technical analysis share life hacks on how to make money on cryptocurrency.

  1. Learn from mistakes, fill bumps. The market quickly and clearly explains where you went wrong.
  2. Find a mentor who will accompany you, explain and suggest what to do.
  3. Make a strategy for earning, stick to it and adjust based on the market situation.
  4. Open a crypto wallet, deposit free money on it and start trying in small steps.
  5. Investments are a huge risk, but are encouraged by good returns. Don’t put all your money into one project.
  6. In the world of cryptocurrencies, the same rule applies as in other areas. You need to be able to understand a new topic, join it, study it and not leave it halfway.
  7. Choose the cryptosphere that you like. So it will be more interesting to dive into the topic and it will be easier to succeed,
  8. For beginners, I do not recommend investing in ICO. Everyone is trying to go here, because they heard that you can put $50 and get rich quick. In fact, not many coins go to the exchange and people lose money.

Gbajumo ibeere ati idahun

The questions are answered by a trader, an expert in technical analysis with more than 15 years of experience Evgeny Udilov.

Is it possible to earn cryptocurrency without mining?

— Now it is more difficult to make money with mining than without it. Mining has become the lot of large companies in those countries of the world where electricity is cheap and it is possible to quickly obtain new technical solutions to increase the computing power of the farm. Most earn cryptocurrency in other ways.

What is the safest way to make money on cryptocurrency for a beginner?

– For beginners, I can single out two relatively safe ways. The first is arbitrage: buying a coin on one exchange, where it is cheaper, and selling it on another, where it is more expensive. I note that arbitration is difficult to master. The second way is holding a cryptocurrency portfolio. Buy it and keep it for six months, a year. The third is investment funds in the DAO format (stands for “Decentralized Autonomous Organization”). You can buy a promising DAO token or join an organization and take part in governance.

Is cryptocurrency income taxable?

— In Our Country, there is no special tax declaration for cryptocurrencies yet. But any earnings in Our Country are taxed at 13%. And for income over 5 million rubles – 15%. In theory, you need to file a 3-NDFL declaration annually by April 30 to the tax service, attach extracts from the crypto wallet to it, calculate the tax (correlate the income from each crypto asset with the costs of its purchase) and pay it.

Awọn orisun ti

1 Comment

  1. very good information

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