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Muscle weakness in the elderly is directly related to the aging process in the body. Scientists have been trying for decades to find the root cause of human muscle aging (sarcopenia), and most recently they succeeded. Experts described in detail the results of their research in scientific papers.

The essence and results of the study of scientists from Sweden

Biologists from Carolingian University believe that muscle aging is associated with the accumulation of mutations in stem cells. While studying the characteristics of the human body, they revealed the following: in each muscle stem cell, a large number of mutations accumulate. Upon reaching the age of 60-70, defects in DNA appear as a side effect of muscle cell division. Up to this age, about 1 thousand mutations can accumulate.

In youth, the nucleic acid is restored, but in old age there is no mechanism for regeneration. The most protected are the sections of the chromosome set, which are responsible for the state of the cells. But after 40 every year the protection weakens.

Biologists want to find out whether physical activity can affect the pathology. More recently, scientists have found that sports help to destroy injured cells, promote self-renewal of muscle tissue. That is why Swedish experts intend to find out how to slow down age-related infirmity.

Research by scientists from America and Denmark

Specialists from the United States of America and Denmark were able to name the causes of sarcopenia in grandparents. They also found a way to slow down the aging process of muscle tissue. The elderly (average age 70-72 years) and young people (from 20 to 23 years) took part in tests and experiments. The subjects were 30 men.

At the beginning of the experiment, samples of muscle tissue from the thigh were taken from the representatives of the stronger sex. The authors of the scientific work immobilized the lower limbs of the participants with special fixation equipment for 14 days (muscle atrophy was modeled). After the scientists removed the device, the men had to perform a series of exercises. The movements were supposed to help restore muscle mass. After three days of training with the subjects, the biologists decided to take tissue samples again. After 3,5 weeks, the men again came for the procedure.

Analyzes of the samples showed that at the beginning of the study, young guys had 2 times more stem cells in their tissues than older people. After artificial atrophy, the gap between the indicators increased by 4 times. The scientists noted that in older participants in the experiment, the stem cells in the muscles were inactive all this time. Also, in men at the age of 70, inflammatory reactions and scarring of tissues began.

The results of the study once again proved that it is very important for adults to move, since prolonged inactivity negatively affects the ability of the muscles to recover on their own.

Research by Colombian physiologists

Scientists from Colombia have determined that during physical activity, human bones begin to produce a hormone called osteocalcin (with its help, muscle performance increases). Upon reaching the age of thirty in women and fifty years in men, this hormone is practically not produced.

Sports activities increase the amount of osteocalcin in the blood. Experts took tests from animals and came to the conclusion that in mice (age – 3 months) the concentration of the hormone in the blood is 4 times higher than in rodents who are 12 months old. At the same time, the animals ran daily from 40 to 45 minutes. Young individuals ran about 1,2 thousand meters, adult rodents were able to run 600 thousand meters in the same period of time.

In order to prove that the key component that determines the endurance of muscle tissues is osteocalcin, the authors of the scientific work conducted a study on genetically modified animals (the body of mice did not produce enough of the hormone). Old rodents managed to overcome only 20-30% of the required distance than young individuals. When the hormone was injected into elderly animals, the performance of muscle tissues was restored to the level of three-month-old mice.

Physiologists drew an analogy with humans and found that the amount of osteocalcin in human blood also decreases with age. They are sure that sarcopenia in women begins much earlier than in men. During the experiment, it was found out that the main function of the hormone is to help muscles during prolonged physical activity. With this substance, there is a rapid assimilation of fatty acids and glucose during training.

Scientists advise after 40 years to give preference to strength exercises and fitness. Training 1-2 times a week will help maintain muscle tone, stimulate the growth of new muscle tissue. In order not to get injured, do not neglect the advice of a personal trainer.

Muscle strengthening and diet

Muscle training is available in various ways: swimming, cycling, doing yoga, walking. The most important is the movement, which should be regular for the elderly. Breathing exercises are considered effective.

An effective set of exercises includes: squeezing and unclenching the hands, slowly bending forward and pulling the knees to the chest with the hands, rotating the shoulders forward and backward, rotating the feet, as well as tilting to the sides and turning the body. Self-massage will have a positive effect on the muscles.

Nutritional adjustments are extremely important. The daily diet should include food, which includes a lot of proteins (cottage cheese, eggs, chicken breast, squid, shrimp, red fish). Meals should be regular – from 5 to 6 times a day. A nutritionist will help you create a healthy menu for 7 days. People in old age should use vitamin complexes, which will be prescribed by the attending physician on an individual basis.

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