Awọn nkan pataki fun ọdun ile-iwe akọkọ rẹ

A small backpack

Your toddler’s backpack will accompany him everywhere ! Choose a practical model that it can open and close without too much difficulty. Prefer the clamping tabs. Some models offer adjustable straps, perfect for small shoulders.

A blanket for school

In the small kindergarten section, the blanket is still tolerated. But beware: you will have to distinguish the home comforter from the school one, with which your little one will take a nap. Choose a color that is not too messy since it will only see the washing machine once every quarter!

An elasticated napkin

Indispensable for the cafeteria ! Prefer towels with an elastic, easier to put on and take off than those with scratch. From the age of 2, your little one will be able to put it on by himself, like an older one. Ideal for feeling a little more independent. Also remember to sew a small label with your child’s name on the reverse.

A tissue box

Provide a tissue box for minor colds or runny nose. You will find some in decorated cardboard. Another option: colored plastic boxes in which you slip your small packet of tissues.

Rhythmic shoes

awọn rhythmic shoes (small ballet shoes) are essential in kindergarten. They facilitate movement for motor skills exercises and are used on average twice a week. Here again, we prefer simple models to put on, with an elastic on the front of the ankle.

Most of the time, all children are the same. To recognize them, do not hesitate to “customize” them with indelible colored markers.


Slippers prevent your pup from wearing uncomfortable dress shoes all day. They also help keep the classroom clean when it rains. The teachers recommend models without scratch and without zipper so that each child can put them on alone.

A diaper

A diaper can come in handy for the first few days of school. Some teachers do not allow them, others accept them for a nap. Note, however, that your child must be clean to return to school.

A change

In theory, your kid should be able to go to the little corner to enter kindergarten. But since an accident can always happen, better to plan a change, just in case.

Ago ike kan

Each child has their own plastic cup to drink from the tap. To make it easy for your toddler to recognize his own, you can write his name on it with a marker pen or buy a cup featuring his favorite hero.

Ọwọ wipes

Whether after going to the toilet or before lunch in the canteen, teachers recommend the use of wipes so that your pup always has clean hands.

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