Waiting for a baby – pregnancy week by week
Waiting for a baby - pregnancy week by weekNduro fun ọmọ - oyun ọsẹ nipasẹ ọsẹ

Pregnancy is associated by most people as a blissful state full of wonderful experiences, romantic ecstasy straight from advertising. Of course, such a scenario can happen, but often life brings us a number of surprising experiences that do not necessarily coincide with our plans and dreams. Do women have an impact on how their body reacts at this particular time?

It is difficult to plan the entire pregnancy from the day of conception until birth, because there are many surprising events along the way. A normal pregnancy should last 40 weeks, after which the childbirth occurs, but only 1% of women give birth at term.

month one – you’re pregnant, the test showed two longed-for lines and what’s next… If you’re lucky, your hormone storm will pass unnoticed. However, there is a second possibility, i.e. fatigue, irritability, frequent urination, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, food aversion, cravings, sensitive and enlarged breasts. It doesn’t sound rosy. During this waiting period, treat yourself like a child and let others treat you like a child. Try to sleep one or two hours more each night. Make sure you eat properly. Control your surroundings: eliminate excessive noise, don’t stay in stuffy rooms if you don’t have to. Walk, eat a diet rich in protein and carbohydrates, drink a lot, reduce stress, start taking vitamins.

Month two – your body gets used to the changes, you may start to experience new symptoms such as: constipation, periodic headaches, periodic fainting and dizziness, your belly gets bigger, clothes start to get tight. You become more irritable, irrational and tearful. One of the positive aspects of the waiting period is the improvement of the skin condition, it is clearly improving, it is even perfect. It’s not for nothing that pregnant women are said to glow.

Month three – you are still getting used to your condition, it is no longer surprising. Your appetite increases, the first strange cravings appear, you are surprised that you urgently need freshly squeezed lemon juice. Your waist is getting bigger, your head still hurts, you fight with vomiting, drowsiness and fatigue.

Month four – some of the ailments pass, exhausting vomiting and nausea end, you don’t visit the bathroom so often anymore. Your breasts continue to enlarge, your head hurts, and your ankles and feet become swollen. You start to really believe that you are pregnant, thanks to the already visible belly. You are still broken, you have chaos and racing thoughts, you can’t concentrate.

Month five – others are also already noticing your different state, the positive symptoms begin to outweigh the tiring ones. It’s time to go shopping, which is what women love, you need to change your wardrobe. Your appetite is growing, but try not to make it for two, but for two. Back pain may occur.

Month six – it’s almost fine. Some of the symptoms are unnoticeable, because you got used to them, headaches pass. You start to discover the secret inside you, you can feel your baby. Unfortunately, you may experience heartburn and indigestion.

Month seven  — you start to enjoy your pregnancy, the symptoms have diminished or disappeared, the baby fidgets, is more and more active. There are also tiring aspects such as: leg cramps, difficulty sleeping. The so-called Colostrum is the food released from the breasts.

Month eight You feel like your pregnancy lasts forever. You are as big as a balloon, tired, sleepy, your back hurts, your stomach itches, you feel the first contractions. However, you are already close to the finish line.

Month nine – the baby fidgets as if it wants to drill a hole in your belly, despite back pain, heartburn, cramps, you start preparing for childbirth. Excitement, anxiety, absent-mindedness increase. There is relief that it’s almost there. You are impatient and agitated. You dream and dream of a child.

All these problems are forgotten when you take your baby in your arms for the first time. Your waiting for a baby is over. you are mom.

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